Friday, July 25, 2014

Oak Park Beautification Day

Friday, August 1st, is Oak Park Beautification Day.  We have a lot of events planned this year that will help to make Oak Park look GREAT as students and staff come back to school over the next few weeks.  We will meet at Oak Park at 9 am (We will have donuts) and we should be finished by early afternoon.
OP Beautification Day 2012

To make this day a success, we have to have a HUGE TURNOUT FROM YOU!!!  You will be working along side your committee members on the following tasks:

  1. Painting the Boots:  Norman's boots always get a fresh coat of paint in the summer so that his    prints are nice and bright for students as they come back to school.  
  2. Teacher/Student Parking Spot Logos:  This group will be painting an OP logo on parking lot spaces to identify staff and student parking spaces.  This will designate staff only parking, while at the same time, reserve spaces for students on all sides of the building to ensure western access to the building for our fine art students.  
  3. Tree Patrol:  As some of you may have noticed, we have some not so alive trees on our campus.  These trees need to be removed and recorded (so that we can later replace the trees).
  4. Flower Beds:  We need to clean up the flower beds around the campus.  These include the flower beds near the main doors, west doors, northeast sign, and the baseball fields.  
With all that we have going on, Oak Park will look great this Fall.  See you next Friday!


Friday, July 4, 2014

Summer Update

On Friday, June 27th Mr. Pabon and I met with the student body officers.  Kelly, Tiffany, Lauren, Becca, and Olivia have done an incredible job this summer of setting up an awesome school year.  They are excited and I know that they will do an awesome job leading our committees this Fall.  We had a lot of topics to cover and a lot of favors to ask of you, our leadership body.  So, we thought it would be easier to but it on our blog rather than text you bits of information.  Here is what we covered at our meeting.

1.  The summer retreat IS GOING TO HAPPEN.  However, it will most likely be one of the weekends in September (not the 19th and 20th... that is Homecoming).  We are working on reserving a cabin at the Lake of the Ozarks.  As soon as we know more details, we will post them on the blog.

2.  Our first Leadership event for the Summer will be Friday August 1st!  We will meet at 9am at Oak Park to complete some beautification projects around the school including mulching flower beds, weeding, and our perennial "Paint the Boots" project.  You will be working with your new committees, so this will be a great opportunity for you to meet and get to know the students you will be working with.  Make sure to mark your calendars and ask off work so that you can be there.  We will be finished by that afternoon.

3.  Freshman Kick Off is scheduled for Monday August 11th in the morning (Principal Maus still does not know the exact hour).  Mr. Maus has asked for all of you, the leadership class and STUCO, to assist with giving tours and serving on panels.  This is a high importance event as this is the first time we get to meet our incoming Freshmen; we want to put on a good show and let them know how excited we are that they are here!

4.  Homecoming Parade!  This year marks the 50th graduating class of Oak Park High School.  This year we will be conducting a parade before the game on Saturday afternoon.  This will be a huge endeavor, it has not been done since the 1990's, but I am sure this class will do an awesome job.  There is not a whole lot we need from you all now on this front, but what you can do about it is spread the word and get excited.  More details will follow on this front.

Thanks for reading, if you have any questions or comments, hit the reply button.  You need to have a Google account [which you should have already created by now, some of you still have not :)]