Friday, July 25, 2014

Oak Park Beautification Day

Friday, August 1st, is Oak Park Beautification Day.  We have a lot of events planned this year that will help to make Oak Park look GREAT as students and staff come back to school over the next few weeks.  We will meet at Oak Park at 9 am (We will have donuts) and we should be finished by early afternoon.
OP Beautification Day 2012

To make this day a success, we have to have a HUGE TURNOUT FROM YOU!!!  You will be working along side your committee members on the following tasks:

  1. Painting the Boots:  Norman's boots always get a fresh coat of paint in the summer so that his    prints are nice and bright for students as they come back to school.  
  2. Teacher/Student Parking Spot Logos:  This group will be painting an OP logo on parking lot spaces to identify staff and student parking spaces.  This will designate staff only parking, while at the same time, reserve spaces for students on all sides of the building to ensure western access to the building for our fine art students.  
  3. Tree Patrol:  As some of you may have noticed, we have some not so alive trees on our campus.  These trees need to be removed and recorded (so that we can later replace the trees).
  4. Flower Beds:  We need to clean up the flower beds around the campus.  These include the flower beds near the main doors, west doors, northeast sign, and the baseball fields.  
With all that we have going on, Oak Park will look great this Fall.  See you next Friday!



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