Friday, October 3, 2014

Finding Your Passion, Your True North

"Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of success. When you do a thing, do it with all your might. Put your whole soul into it. Stamp it with your own personality. Be active, be energetic and faithful, and you will accomplish your object. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm."
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

In school and in work there is an epidemic.  It is far-reaching and is threatening to undermine the progress that many of you have been striving for; it causes people to burn-out and turn away from jobs and projects they used to love.  We have all experienced its symptoms, blame, apathy, procrastination, frustration, and the most devastating, negativity.  When a person has no passion for what they do, it can pull a piece of the foundation from the foundation of a fragile house of cards.

We work around it, we take on more responsibility, we complain, or we shut down.  There are many avenues that can accommodate or avoid dealing with an issue that is stopping us from achieving outstanding results.  But, there is a more proactive manner in which we can synergize and energize our committees.

Last class we talked with you about finding our true north and putting that true north into our mission statement for our life.  Talk briefly about your progress in working through your mission statement


  1. Our mission is to get goodness to come out from inside of people

  2. I feel like it is important to find your true north so that you can know your goals and how to get there. If you don't have a true north then you can go throughout life not accomplishing anything since you don't know where you're trying to get to.

  3. My progress towards my mission statement is going well. I feel like I have a pretty good mission statement to work with.

  4. My mission is to bring happiness to others and inspire others to use their abilities to bring happiness to more people.

  5. my goals are to make a good mission statement

  6. I've found that it's challenging to pinpoint one thing that you really believe in. The true north that I want to use, I feel like is a bit cliche, but it's something that I think I live by.

  7. Working through my mission statement was difficult. Picking out specific things that mean a lot to me is not fun. But, after I finished I felt that it fit me well.

  8. So far producing a mission statement has been difficult because its hard to choose something to be my ultimate goal.

  9. When thinking of what I want to accomplish and what I want to do to shape my future is something I struggle with. Its easy to get overwhelmed and confused about what I really want my end goal to be and what I want to live my whole life by.

  10. Finding my mission statement has been a real challenge but has helped me make gains as a leader. I am finding more and more things about myself. Although I am still working on my mission statement, I know that it will portray my life in a positive way.

  11. I have been finding the values I have and what I really want to do with my life. It is a work in progress.

  12. I haven't figured out my mission statement yet, but I have my beliefs and ways that I live my life that I want to include. I don't want to make it a statement that would affect me not only now in the present, but also in the future.

  13. It's been kind of hard to work out a mission statement, because I'm not really sure what I'm passionate about yet. I have a general idea though.

  14. I haven't totally figured out my mission statement, but to work toward it I have narrowed it down to some of the important aspects of my life. Starting with the questions Edinger asked us, I figured out some of the main people, objects, and goals I have in my life. From that activity, I began to think deeper into my life and my "ending point". I started jotting down phrases and ideas and piecing together sentences, and that is where I am with my mission statement.

  15. My progress toward my mission statement is definitely going well. At this point I am still forming it into a coherent thought and trying to find I mission that drives me.

  16. My mission statement is almost started. I have considered thinking about several different aspects of it. It is hard to narrow my true north down to one main idea.

  17. Trying to find my mission statement hasn't been easy. I want to include so many values that I believe, but it would be to long. I need to narrow down the values that fit me precisely and express who I truly am and what I believe in.

  18. I can't decide whether my statement should be general or specific. I'm a very indecisive person so planning the future is something that stresses me out. My mission includes educating people about nutrition and self-confidence, because as of now I plan to be a dietitian and that area is something I feel really impacts people. Change starts with the individual.

  19. Mission Statement= To enjoy all aspects of life and never stop believing

  20. Knowing what your true north is helps you set personal goals for your life. If you know where you want to finish, it is easier to plan how you want to get there. I'm not entirely sure what my mission statement for my life is yet, but I know a few things I want to include in it.

  21. Ture North Def: (noun)=north according to the earth's axis, not magnetic north.
    True North Def: (phrase?)=Get on the right course, proceed in the right direction

  22. My mission statement is to find happiness, fulfillment, and value in living, I will seek out and experience all of the pleasures and joys that life has to offer.

  23. My mission statement is a work in progress. I have many different beliefs, passions and wants but I am having trouble organizing those to find my true north. I have a rough idea of what my mission statement will be, but there are still specifics that need to smoothed out.

  24. To me, coming up with a mission statement came easy, which seems to be contrary to what most people are experiencing. My mission statement is kind of broad, but trying to narrow down everything I want out of life into a sentence seems impossible, so I don't think having a broad mission statement is necessarily a bad thing.

  25. It's been tricky to select a specific goal for my mission statement, because I'm pretty sure that Taylor Swift holding my hand has nothing to do with my true north... But I'm working on narrowing all of my strengths and passions into something I can continually work toward.
