Thursday, September 5, 2019

The Call: Oak Park's First Fan Section Rally

On Friday August 30th Oak Park Student Council and our Oak Park Cheer Squad hosted the first ever "Lumberyard Call."  We called all spiriting Oakies to rally after our first football game of the season to go through a spirit boot camp, and of course, eat a little food.

The night began with Jackson Satter, our Student Body Public Relations Chair and Lumberyard Fan Section co-leader, talking with the student body about a few of the traditions that we hold in the Lumber yard.

 Next, our cheer squad prepped the students for all of the cheers that make our spirit squads famous! The students got loud for some of our favorite cheers that we love and a few new ones that the cheer squad has in store for 2019.

The night ended with our student body officers teaching the student body a few new interesting cheers that are student led including popcorn, the roller coaster, and House of Pain's Jump Around.  If you haven't seen these cheers, check them out on YouTube.

In the end, we had a great night.  It was a blast to watch our seniors take charge and lead the student body in new event. The investment that the officers are making is going to have huge dividends pay out soon!  I cannot wait to see or practice come to life in a game!


Monday, August 19, 2019

August 20th 2019

We are off to a great start!!!

Assembly Reflection

What went well from Friday's assembly.  Why do we think we experienced the kind of success that we saw from our first all school event.  What do we need to work on?  Some things we saw too.

Journal Work

Take a few minutes to write down a personal goal for yourself this year.  This is not a STUCO goal or an Oak Park Goal but a personal goal.  Once you have written down your goal...
  1. Write down some action steps to take to achieve that goal
  2. Email your goal and action steps to the person on the slip and CC yourself
  3. We will follow up and check in on our partners in December

Setting Up our Committees

This year, we are going to try to spend some time setting up an app called Trello.  Trello's goal will be to help us stay connected and stay organized.  Once we have activated Trello, I want your committee to think about what events you would like to run for Homecoming.  Ultimately, our officers will decide what committees will be working on certain tasks.


Thursday, August 15, 2019

Leadership Lock In

2019-2020 is underway!  The officers are off to a great start leading Student Council toward one of our best years yet.  Using ideas the officers learned in Fulton, they planned a night packed full of fun, excitement.

The night began with an old tradition spanned decades.  During our "Paint the Boots" event, we painted Norman's bootprints up the East Drive to make them look bright and sharp for all of the students coming back to school the next week!

The night continued with some team building activities that helped to bring us all closer together.  One of our focus goals this year is building a strong sense of community, we are on our way! Then, we had the chance to blow off some steam with Bubble Soccer!  Mr. Pabon and Mr. Edinger got some hits in, but I think that they also got a lot of bruises along with those hits.

We also were able to get a lot of planning done for our Freshmen Jumpstart Day.  The officers and the other leadership members came up with some great spirit posters, events, and chalked up sidewalks to welcome the class of 2023 in style.


Monday, January 7, 2019

Monday January 7th

Welcome Back!!!
   It has been a crazy two weeks in Washington D.C.!  Today, I wanted to take a break from the curriculum to talk a bit about what has been going on in our government over the last few weeks.  Please click on the link below...

Click Here

Monday, December 17, 2018

Monday: December 17th 2018

Hello everyone,
   Sorry I could not be here today, this was an unexpected absence for me.  Today, I am going to have you guys review a few more key concepts for your final.  Please complete the following items...

1.  Watch and complete the video titled "Federalism" on Edpuzzle.
2.  Watch and complete the video titled "Articles of Confederation on Edpuzzle.
3.  Review Chapters 2 and 3 vocabulary on Quizlet using the Test feature
4.  Read through your notebooks looking for key concepts that you might be unfamiliar with.  Study those and make sure to fill the gaps!

Your test will be on Thursday!  About 35-40 MC Questions and an FRQ.  Make sure to study using your notebooks, edpuzzle, quizlet, and any of the study guides that were sent home on remind.

See you Thursday.


Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Tuesday, November 1, 2016