Monday, December 17, 2018

Monday: December 17th 2018

Hello everyone,
   Sorry I could not be here today, this was an unexpected absence for me.  Today, I am going to have you guys review a few more key concepts for your final.  Please complete the following items...

1.  Watch and complete the video titled "Federalism" on Edpuzzle.
2.  Watch and complete the video titled "Articles of Confederation on Edpuzzle.
3.  Review Chapters 2 and 3 vocabulary on Quizlet using the Test feature
4.  Read through your notebooks looking for key concepts that you might be unfamiliar with.  Study those and make sure to fill the gaps!

Your test will be on Thursday!  About 35-40 MC Questions and an FRQ.  Make sure to study using your notebooks, edpuzzle, quizlet, and any of the study guides that were sent home on remind.

See you Thursday.


Tuesday, December 11, 2018